City of BA Bond Election April 5th


All Members of the BAYB Board value our American right to vote. BAYB is supporting the Bond coming for Election April 5th and encourages all of our parents to look at the issues and Vote as well. See full story for more.

The 2011 General Obligation Bond Proposal is coming for VOTE April 5th.

This bond will be paid for by our property taxes and it is replacing an existing bond so there will be no increase to property taxes.

The Project Funding by Category is:

STREETS                                        $27 MILLION
STORMWATER                              $2.3 MILLION
PUBLIC SAFETY                             $10 MILLION
CY 2011 BOND ISSUE                   $44.7 MILLION

On the Street Construction Projects, many support School traffice for existing and new schools in the works.  Then there is a lot of street widening going on, a NEW exit ramp off the Creek Turnpike at 145th to better serve our park, and neighborhood repairs.

The Parks and Quality of Life Projects is what we are excited about.
Remember, the last Bond passes paid for our FANTASTIC New Concessions and Bathrooms, Fence Work and Lighting.  This package includes Initial Events Park Infrastructure, Improve Nienhuis Park, a 37th ST Detention Park, a Senior Center Renovation and what we are most excited about; $1 MILLION  to the Indian Springs Sports Complex which will include reworking the drainage for our parking lot to resolve the flooding by fields 9 & 10, re- structure and re-pave the parking lot and some fencing and irrigation work.

BAYB is so fortunate to be able to call Indian Springs Baseball Complex our HOME!!  We very much appreciate the City of Broken Arrow for allowing us to have use of this complex and ask that, if you feel the same way, you would decide to cast a vote FOR the Bond on April 5th.

Thank you.
BAYB Staff and Board.