Step To The Plate And Help BAYB recieve a $2,500 Grant


Responsible Sports in conjunction with Liberty Mutual has created a sport grant for youth organizations. Groups get credit from Parents and Coaches that participate in an online course that's free of charge. These are great courses that emphasize the positive aspects of kids participating in Sports.

Liberty Mutual

Stephanie Thomas wants you to check out Responsible Sports!

Help Broken Arrow Youth Baseball earn our piece of the $50,000 to be awarded this fall from Liberty Mutual! Youth sports organizations organizations across the country are competing for one of twenty $2,500 Responsible Sports Community Grants by demonstrating their commitment to responsibility. And you can help us win!

It's easy:

  1. Complete the online course and quiz
  2. Credit Broken Arrow Youth Baseball
  3. Connect with your community for support

Visit today!

The Responsible Sports Community Grant program is part of the Liberty Mutual Responsible Sports community outreach initiative designed to help ensure that our kids experience the best that sports have to offer in environments that promote and display responsibility. By partnering with the most respected players in youth sports, Liberty Mutual helps champion and celebrate positive outcomes in sports and in life.

Visit to learn more!

- The Responsible Sports Team and Stephanie Thomas