Manager and Part-time Concessions Workers Wanted


BAYB is currently taking applications for A Concessions Manager and Part-time Concession workers. Evenings and Weekend hours. Food Handler's Card Required.

Part-Time Concession Help Wanted

BAYB is currently taking applications for a Concessions Manager and Part-time Concession workers. 

Manager will be responsible for scheduling workers, ordering food/drink stock, and inventory.  Scheduling deliveries or making a Sam's pick up is also required.  Typically 40 hrs per week, nights 4-10 and some weekends (possibly 10-14 hrs a day on weekend events.)  Food Handler Card is required and prefer someone with Concessions/Food Management experience.

Part-time workers 15-20 hours per week.  Applicants must be at least 14 years of age, Older applicants preferred.  Must Hold a current Tulsa Health Department Food Handlers Card (class time can be found online). 

Flexible Schedule.  Evenings and Weekends.   Season runs from March 25 daily thru Mid-June with Summer and Fall Ball on Sundays only.

Interested parties can send a Resume or typed proposal to fax 455-7229, mailed to PO Box 387, Broken Arrow, OK 74013, emailed to or bring by the office M-F, 9am -4pm.