Aug. 24th Games Changes


Fields 1 & 2 are not playable today. The 1:00 game will go to 6:00 and the 2:45 game will go to 7:30 on Wed. Aug. 27th (same fields). The Field 7 games will play today at the same times on Field 15. All other games will play as scheduled. We apologize but this is due to the rain we received yesterday.

Fields 1 & 2 are not playable today.  The 1:00 game will go to 6:00 and the 2:45 game will go to 7:30 on Wed. Aug. 27th (same fields).  The Field 7 games will play today at the same times on Field 15.  All other games will play as scheduled. We apologize but this is due to the rain we received yesterday.